Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Phoebe - One Volunteer's Favorite Pooch

I first met Phoebe on a warm Saturday afternoon. As I walked up the kennel-lined aisle, she rushed up to greet me with her pink tongue hanging out of her mouth and her small, black ears flopping around as if they had minds of their own. I had never really thought about walking her since she had an orange dot (which means she’s moderately difficult), but when I saw that she had not been out for a few days, I decided to take a chance. We took a nice stroll around the loop and every now-and-then she would plop down in the shade without much warning for a short rest. I did not see why she was an orange dot until I tried to get her back into her kennel. She resisted when I pulled on her leash and even laid down, refusing to move. Eventually, I got her in with the help of some treats.

That was our very first walk together. As I walked her more, I found her to be delightful even when she was being stubborn or dog reactive. Like every dog, she has flaws, but her spontaneous personality more than makes up for them.

I love the way she looks into my eyes and the way I can feel her listening to me and trusting me. No longer do I have to use treats to get her back into her kennel or to get her to turn around during a walk. I love how we can just sit together and be content with the world around us, but most of all, I love the way we’ve bonded so strongly with one another. I hope, one day soon, Phoebe will find someone deserving of her.

- Asia

1 comment:

Pam said...

Asia, it is so beautiful how you can form such a special bond with a dog. It sounds like she has really grown to love and trust you. Thank you for giving her the affection and attention she deserves.