Monday, February 27, 2012

Time for a BAD RAP class check in

Let's see who is looking good at class...

Nicole has Lali in a pretty good "down", but Lali needs to have a look at Angelika and Bagel's perfect form. But it was only Lali's second class!

Joanne and Ariel are ready for action.

Who is our class valedictorian? It would have to be Humphrey and Shelley. Look at Humphrey's "stay". He's an eye contact machine.

Spuds can be easily distracted, but Caroline has managed to get his attention.

Lisa shows Flora how to take life easy.

David has started working with Breeze. This young pup has a lot of potential!

Jessica keeps Persephone in line.

Cindy and LadyBelle start a "down" competition with DeAnna and Petunia. Hard to tell who is going to win this one! Great to see BACS alumni Howard in the background. He is at class with his adopters nearly every week.

Great to see these dogs out brushing up on their basics. Spectators welcome!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

You guys do great work! Thanks for all that you do for the animals!