Sunday, April 22, 2012

April's Volunteers of the Month

Rene and Alex

Rene and her daughter Alex have both been volunteering at BACS for six years! Sounds like they should have received a coffee cup or a wristwatch by now. Thanks for all your hard work. We hope you have many more years at BACS.

What do you do when you're not at the shelter?

I retired from the US Postal Service in 2005 where I was a computer programmer/analyst and
database administrator.

Since then I have been volunteering at Thousand Oaks School and King Middle School, with Girl Scouts and at the YEAH (Youth Engagement, Advocacy and Housing) shelter. I am the treasurer for the newly formed FOBACS (Friends of BACS).

My 13 year old daughter Alex and I have been volunteers at BACS for 6 years and have taught the cat care class for 2 years.

Why did you initially decide to volunteer at BACS?

When our Brownie girl scout troop visited the shelter they all wanted to volunteer. At the time they were too young, but as soon as Alex was 8 we started volunteering. I thought it would be a good idea for her to help others. Alex and I are both concerned with animal rights and we could see first hand how homeless animals live and how important it is to help them.

What are your favorite things about volunteering?

Seeing an animal find a forever home, especially if they have been there for a while.

It is very fulfilling to see an excited child go home with their new animal.

It is also great to make new friends with other volunteers and staff, knowing we all have
something in common, helping homeless animals find new homes.

Who are your favorite cats, past and present?

Past:  Mischou, Yoshi, Daicee, Malone, Josie, Ezra, Arizona and others

Present: Dean Martin (Marty), Christy, Frank Sinatra (Franky) all 3 adopted from BACS pictured with Alex and me.


Emily Colwell said...

Yay for Rene and Alex! I remember when you guys were the newbies -- now you're the teachers. Congrats and thank you for your dedication.

angelika said...
